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595nm/1 064nm双波长激光治疗酒渣鼻的疗效观察(1)
http://www.100md.com 2012年4月1日 徐天华,徐媛媛,刘佳,吴严,陈洪铎,李远宏


     [摘要]目的:探讨595nm/1 064nm双波长激光治疗酒渣鼻的疗效及安全性。方法:采用595nm/1 064nm双波长激光对20例红斑期、毛细血管扩张期酒渣鼻患者实施治疗。所用光斑直径为7mm,595nm激光脉宽20~40ms,能量密度7.0~8.0J/cm2;1 064nm激光脉宽20~40ms,能量密度70~80J/cm2,双光间隔100ms。根据受试者Fitzpatrick光生物学分型、皮肤耐受程度、血管粗细、血管颜色、血管深浅等选择治疗参数,治疗3~4次,每次治疗间隔时间均为4~5周。结果:治疗后即刻血管颜色加深或消失,红斑颜色加深或者出现紫癜;4次治疗后治疗部位的红斑指数均值显著下降,85%以上的受试者皮损清除率达到50%以上,75%以上的受试者对治疗满意或非常满意。不良反应为轻微疼痛,暂时性红斑和紫癜,约7~10天后自然消退。结论:595nm/1 064nm双波长可安全、有效地治疗酒渣鼻。


    [中图分类号]R758.73+4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)04-0613-03

    Clinical observation of a Dual-Wavelength Laser System (595 nm and 1 064 nm) for Rosacea

    XU Tian-hua, XU Yuan-yuan, LIU Jia, WU Yan, CHEN Hong-duo, LI Yuan-hong

    (Department of Dermatology, No.1 Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning, China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of a Dual-Wavelength Laser System (595 nm and 1 064 nm) for rosacea. Methods Twenty patients of rosacea with persistent erythema and telangiectasia were enrolled. A Dual-Wavelength Laser System (595 nm and 1 064 nm) was performed at 4 to 5-week intervals for 3~4 sessions. The settings are determined according to the patient's skin color, lesional morphology, response and tolerance to the treatment. To sum up: 595nm (pulse width of 20~40ms, fluence of 7.0~8.0 J/cm2); 1,064nm (pulse width of 20~40 ms, fluence of 70~80 J/ cm2), time delay of 100 ms between delivery of the two wavelengths. Results Immediately after the laser, the vessels became darken or disappeared. The red macules became darkened or purpura developed. The mean erythema index decreased dramatically after the treatment. More than 85% patients got over 50% clearance. More than 75% patients were satisfied or very satisfied with the treatment. Adverse effects include slight pain, transient erythema, and purpura, which disappeared naturally with 7~10 days. Conclusion The Dual-Wavelength Laser System (595 nm and 1064 nm) is both effective and safe for treating rosacea.

    Key words: rosacea; Dual-Wavelength laser system; efficacy

    酒渣鼻是一种慢性皮肤血管神经性疾病 ......
