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http://www.100md.com 2017年1月15日 《世界中医药》 20172
     摘要 经皮冠状动脉介入术开展以来,面临着术后再狭窄、无复流、晚期血栓形成、围手术期心肌损伤等挑战,近年来许多大型循证研究结果肯定了中药在干预这些问题方面的疗效与优势,本文对此作一综述。

    关键词 经皮冠状动脉介入术;中药;循证医学;综述

    Abstract The challenges including restenosis,no-reflow phenomenon,late thrombosis and perioperative myocardial injury have been facing by doctors since the application of PCI.However,in recent years,many evidence-based studies have been conducted and confirmed the effects of Chinese herbs in disease prevention and solving the challenges to some extent.This review aims to summarize and review latest studies.

    Key Words PCI; Chinese herbs; Evidence-based medicine; Review


    自1977年Andreas Gruentzig在瑞士成功实施首例经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty ......
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